Sink set up the SeaKeys project which aims to utilize collaboration to increase marine biodiversity information and translate the information into tangible products that mirror the decision making and development of additional benefits for South African society. [5]
Sink is a co-director and executive team member of the One Ocean Hub and the Principal Investigator of the NFR funded Deep Connections Project.[7] As lead of the Deep Connections project team, a short film honoring South Africa coastal and marine life,[8] they unveiled their findings at World Oceans Day, exemplifying the importance teamwork to protect South Africa's oceans.[9]
Sink is a researcher associate at the Institute for Coastal and Marine Research at Nelson Mandela University.[7] She has produced and coordinated a number of key publications, including the Marine and Coastal Component Report of the 2011 National Biodiversity Assessment[10] and launching the biodiversity and mining guidelines with increased pressure on the marine environment from oil and mineral exploitation.[5]
2015 recipient of the Society for Conservation Biology's Edward T. LaRoe III Memorial Award for her outstanding leadership in mainstreaming biodiversity conservation research.[1]
^Sink, Kerry & Holness, Stephen & Harris, Linda & Majiedt, Prideel & Atkinson, Lara & Robinson, Tamara & Kirkman, Stephen & Hutchings, Larry & Leslie, Robin & Lamberth, Stephen & Kerwath, Sven & von der Heyden, Sophie & Lombard, Amanda & Attwood, Colin & Branch, George & Fairweather, Tracey & Taljaard, Susan & Weerts, Steven & Cowley, Paul & Wolf, Trevor. (2011). NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT 2011: Technical Report Volume 4: Marine and Coastal Component,South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria. Pp 325.