西班牙腓力二世国王于1592年授予哈瓦那城市的封号,并于1634年由皇家頒佈其「通往新世界的钥匙和西印度群岛的堡垒」封号以正式确认该市的重要地位。[4]这个封号铭刻在哈瓦那的盾章上。西班牙人开始修建防御工事,在1553年政府所在地从岛上最东面的圣地亚哥迁到了哈瓦那,从而使哈瓦那成为实际意义上的首都(de facto capital)。修建港口防御工事的重要性最早是由于当时英国、法国以及荷兰的海盗在16世纪袭击该城市。而在1898年,美国緬因號戰艦在哈瓦那港口沉船事件是美西战争的导火索。
^ 15.015.1Embassy of Cuba in Beijing – History of Immigration in Cuba互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2009-02-03. "The first (immigrants) came from various regions of Spain, mostly peasants from the Canaries and Galicia, which like those from China, were subjected to conditions of living and working conditions similar to those of slaves."
King, Charles Spencer (2009) Havana My Kind of Town. USA: CreateSpace. ISBN 1-4404-3269-4.
Havana: History and Architecture of a Romantic City. Alicia García Santana. Monacelli, October 2000. ISBN 1-58093-052-2.
The Rough Guide to Cuba (3rd ed.). Rough Guides, May 2005. ISBN 1-84353-409-6.
Barclay, Juliet (1993). Havana: Portrait of a City. London: Cassell. ISBN 1-84403-127-6 (2003 paperback edition). — A comprehensive account of the history of Havana from the early 16th century to the end of the 19th century.
Carpentier, Alejo. La ciudad de las columnas (The city of columns). — A historical review of the city from one of the major authors in the iberoamerican literature, a native of this city.
Cluster, Dick, & Rafael Hernández, History of Havana. New York: Palgrave-MacMillan, 2006. ISBN 1-4039-7107-2. A social history of the city from 1519 to the present, co-authored by a Cuban writer and editor resident in Havana and an American novelist and writer of popular history.
Eguren, Gustavo. La fidelísima Habana (The very faithful Havana). — A fundamental illustrated book for those who wants to know the history of La Habana, includes chronicles, articles from natives and non natives, archives documents, and more.
United Railways of Havana. Cuba: A Winter Paradise. 1908-1909, 1912-1913, 1914-1915 and 1915–1916 editions. New York, 1908, 1912, 1914 and 1915. Maps, photos and descriptions of suburban and interurban electric lines.
Electric Traction in Cuba. Tramway & Railway World (London), 1 April 1909, pp. 243–244. Map, photos and description of Havana Central Railroad.
The Havana Central Railroad. Electrical World (New York), 15 April 1909, pp. 911–912. Text, 4 photos.
Three-Car Storage Battery Train. Electric Railway Journal (New York), 28 September 1912, p. 501. Photo and description of Cuban battery cars.
Berta Alfonso Gallol. Los Transportes Habaneros. Estudios Históricos. La Habana, 1991. The definitive survey (but no pictures or maps).
Six Days in Havana by James A. Michener and John Kings. University of Texas Press; 1ST edition (1989). ISBN 978-0-292-77629-6. Interviews with close to 200 Cubans of widely assorted backgrounds and positions, and concerns how the country has progressed after 90 years of independence from Spain and under the 30-year leadership of Castro.
One more interesting note about that edition of the New York Times: On page 5, there is a short blurb mentioning, "The plan for holding a Pan-American exhibition at Buffalo has been shelved for the present owing to the unsettled condition of the public mind consequent upon the Spanish-Cuban complications." President McKinley was assassinated at the Pan-American Exhibition when it was finally held in 1901.