Rémy Perrier studied natural sciences at the École normale supérieure, afterwards teaching classes in Poitiers. From 1926 to 1931 he was a professor of zoology at the faculty des sciences in Paris. He was a member of the Société des lettres, sciences et arts de la Corrèze.[2]
Beginning in 1923, Perrier released "La Faune de la France en tableaux synoptiques illustrés", a work on zoology published in ten installments by Librairie Delagrave.[5]
1A. Coelentérés, spongiaires, échinoderms. Sous-règne des protozoaires by Jean Delphy [1936].
1B. Vers et némathelminthes, by Jean Delphy [1935].
^Yves Laissus, "Cent ans d'histoire", 1907-2007 - Les Amis du Muséum, centennial special, September 2007, supplement to the quarterly publication Les Amis du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, n° 230, June 2007, ISSN 1161-9104 (in French).