Managburg, is þisses landes mæste ceaster and his hēafodstōl. Se landfolc sind gemang, mid siexe Þūsenda þūsena menn habbaþ eardfæstu Scrælingas, Europeƿeare, Affricane, and Asiaƿare. Hiere folcgereord is Spēonisc (se is Castillisc) ac Scrælingas þæs Moscitorīme habbaþ hiera aganspræc.
Spēne gehiersumoden þis land in þæm 16. gearhunde and nemneden hit 'Nicaragua'. Nicānlond ƿeard sundorrīce of Ispanie in 1821 and ƿeard in þære ilcan ylde Mexican underrīce. Æfter Middelamerican underrīcu abrācon of Mexican sceappen hie þone Middelamerican Geþoftscipe and in 1838 besundrode sƿylce rīce. Noðȳlǣs, Nicānlondum fāna and his rīcestæcn habbaþ frūma of Middelamerican fānan and rīcestæcne.
Siððan his sundorrīcehād hæfþ Nicānlond geþoled micel unfriþ, tictatorscipe and fiscal crisis.
Nān ceann fæste Nicānlondum naman frūman.
Man hycgð ðe þæs landes nama is of þæm Nahuatl gereorde. In þæm tunge is nic-anahuac, se is "Anahuac fæl sƿa feorr", oððe "Nahuas cƿōmon sƿa feorr", oððe "Menn of Anahuac cƿōmon sƿa feorr". Ēac in þæm gereorde is nican-nahua, se is "Hēr sind Nahuas", and nic-atl-nahuac, se is "Hēr be ƿæter" oððe "be ƿæter ymbesetted".[1][2]
Ellesƿīse secgþ man þe Spēne ƿrōhtedon þone naman æfter Nicarao Brego,[3] se ƿæs brego on Scrælingum þone Gil González Dávila becōm þan he onsƿog sūþƿestern Nicānlond in 1522 þe he geaf þæm lande þone naman Nicarao-agua (forþæm þe agua is Spēonsic ƿord for ƿæter).[4]In 2002 ðēah fand ƿitan þe þisses breges naman næs Nicarao ac Macuilmiquiztli, (sƿylc nama mænþ "Fīf Cƿealm" in þæm Nahuatl gereorde.[5][6][7][8]