Perspektif dalam kapitalisme
Sepanjang sejarah modern, berbagai perspektif berpengaruh pada kapitalisme telah membentuk pemikiran ekonomi modern.
Ekonomi Keynesianisme
Bacaan lebih lanjut
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- Mises, Ludwig von (1998). Human Action: A Treatise on Economics. Scholars Edition.
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- Scott, John (1997). Corporate Business and Capitalist Classes.
- Seldon, Arthur (2007). Capitalism: A Condensed Version. London: Institute of Economic Affairs.
- Sennett, Richard (2006). The Culture of the New Capitalism.
- Smith, Adam (1776). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.
- De Soto, Hernando (2000). The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else. New York: Basic Books. ISBN 0-465-01614-6.
- Strange, Susan (1986). Casino Capitalism.
- Wallerstein, Immanuel. The Modern World System.
- Weber, Max (1926). The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.