Pertempuran Pliska atau Pertempuran Perlintasan Vărbitsa adalah serangkaian pertempuran antar pasukan, yang berkumpul dari seluruh belahan Kekaisaran Bizantium, pimpinan Kaisar Nikeforus I Genik, dan Bulgaria, pimpinan Khan Krum. Pasukan Bizantium menyerbu dan membakar ibu kota Bulgaria Pliska
Wikisumber memiliki naskah asli yang berkaitan dengan artikel ini:
Sumber primer
- Theophanes the Confessor, Chronographia, Ed. Carl de Boor, vol. I, 1883, vol. II, 1885, Leipzig.
- Scriptor Incertus. Anonymous Vatican Narration (Narratio anonyma e codice Vaticano), In: Codice Vaticano graeca 2014 (XII s.) ff. 119–22; Ivan Duychev (1936) New Biographic Data on the Bulgarian Expedition of Nicephorus I in 811, Proc. Bulg. Acad. Sci. 54:147–88 (in Bulgarian); H. Grégoire (1936) Un nouveau fragment du "Scriptor incertus de Leone Armenio", Byzantion, 11:417–27; Beshevliev, V (1936) The New Source About the Defeat of Nicephorus I in Bulgaria in 811, Sofia University Annual Reviews, 33:2 (In Bulgarian). Scriptor Incertus in Scriptor Incertus.
- Mannases Chronicle, 1335–1340. Apostolic Library. The Vatican.
- Michael the Syrian, Chronique de Michel le Syrien, Patriarche Jacobite d'Antioche (1166–1199), published by Jean Baptiste Chabot (in French). 1st Ed. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1899–1910, OCLC 39485852; 2nd Ed. Bruxelles: Culture et Civilisation, 1963, OCLC 4321714
- B. Flusin (trans.), J.-C. Cheynet (ed.), Jean Skylitzès: Empereurs de Constantinople, Ed. Lethielleux, 2004, ISBN 2-283-60459-1.
- Joannes Zonaras. Epitome historiarum, ed. L. Dindorfii, 6 vol., Lipsiae (BT), 1858–75. Epitomae Historiarum/Chapter 24 in Epitomae Historiarum by Ioannis Zonarae.
Sumber sekunder
- Zlatarski, Vasil N. (1918). Medieval History of the Bulgarian State, Vol I: History of the First Bulgarian Empire, Part I: Age of Hun-Bulgar Domination (679–852) (dalam bahasa Bulgarian). Sofia: Science and Arts Publishers, 2nd Edition (Petar Petrov, Ed.), Zahari Stoyanov Publishers, 4th Edition, 2006. ISBN 954-739-928-4.
- Runciman, Steven (1930). A History of the First Bulgarian Empire. G. Bell & Sons, London.
- Fine, Jr., John V.A. (1991). The Early Medieval Balkans. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. ISBN 978-0-472-08149-3.
- Bury, J.-B. (1912). A History of the Eastern Roman Empire from the fall of Irene to the accession of Basil I (802–867). Macmillan & Co., Ltd., London. ISBN 1176683276.
- Jireček, K. J. (1876). Geschichte der Bulgaren (dalam bahasa German). Nachdr. d. Ausg. Prag 1876, Hildesheim, New York : Olms 1977. ISBN 3-487-06408-1.