Baring ungkit merupakan latihan perut yang melatih otot rektus abdominis .[1] Hal ini memungkinkan pembentukan perut "six-pack" dan mengencangkan perut. Baring ungkit menggunakan berat badan orang yang berolahraga untuk mengencangkan otot dan direkomendasikan oleh beberapa ahli, meskipun hasil penelitian negatif , sebagai latihan berbiaya rendah yang dapat dilakukan di rumah.[2] Baring ungkit kurang efektif dibandingkan latihan lain seperti angkat tumpu tangan dan berisiko cedera punggung. [3]
Baring ungkit yang baik dan disetujui dimulai dengan Anda berbaring, satu lutut ditekuk, dan tangan diposisikan di bawah punggung bawah sebagai penyangga. "Jangan mengempesi perut atau menekan punggung ke lantai", kata McGill. Angkat kepala dan bahu secara perlahan, tahan sebentar dan rileks kembali.[4]
Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa baring duduk dan baring ungkit adalah latihan membangun kekuatan yang biasa-biasa saja dan telah merugikan banyak orang. [5]
Dalam baring ungkit, tidak seperti baring duduk, punggung bawah tetap di lantai. Hal ini dikatakan dapat menghilangkan keterlibatan fleksor pinggul, dan menjadikan baring ungkit sebagai latihan isolasi yang efektif untuk otot perut.[6]
^Mull, Amanda (2022-05-28). "The Sit-Up Is Over". The Atlantic (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal Mar 14, 2023. [McGill's] findings showed that sit-ups and crunches weren't just mediocre strength-building moves; they were actually hurting lots of people." "In the past decade, every branch of the U.S. military has begun to phase out sit-ups and crunches from their required testing and training regimens, or else they have made them optional, alongside more orthopedically sound maneuvers such as the plank. Spokespeople for the Army and the Marines confirmed [...] that these decisions in their branches were made in part to avoid the high rates of lower-back injury found among troops training for speed sit-up and crunch tests." "If you hadn't yet noticed crunches disappearing around you—or if you have a trainer who still puts you through your sit-up paces—McCall said he wouldn't exactly be shocked. Like many other American industries, the fitness business is consolidating, but it still contains tons of independent instructors and small businesses. Sit-ups and crunches have been discouraged by educators within the industry for years, but there are no licensing or continuing-education requirements for teaching exercise, and if trainers don't seek out new information and techniques, it can take a while for good information and new ideas to get through to them.Parameter |url-status= yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (bantuan)
^Mull, Amanda (2022-05-28). "The Sit-Up Is Over". The Atlantic (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal Mar 14, 2023. [McGill's] findings showed that sit-ups and crunches weren't just mediocre strength-building moves; they were actually hurting lots of people." "In the past decade, every branch of the U.S. military has begun to phase out sit-ups and crunches from their required testing and training regimens, or else they have made them optional, alongside more orthopedically sound maneuvers such as the plank. Spokespeople for the Army and the Marines confirmed [...] that these decisions in their branches were made in part to avoid the high rates of lower-back injury found among troops training for speed sit-up and crunch tests." "If you hadn't yet noticed crunches disappearing around you—or if you have a trainer who still puts you through your sit-up paces—McCall said he wouldn't exactly be shocked. Like many other American industries, the fitness business is consolidating, but it still contains tons of independent instructors and small businesses. Sit-ups and crunches have been discouraged by educators within the industry for years, but there are no licensing or continuing-education requirements for teaching exercise, and if trainers don't seek out new information and techniques, it can take a while for good information and new ideas to get through to them.Parameter |url-status= yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (bantuan)